Tuesday, May 3, 2011


1. find out the three digit number whose second digit is equal to
the sum of first digit and third digit and when first digit and
second digit are exchanged it gives a difference of 99 from the
origional number.
ans: 253 

2.10 years ago the father was 7times older than his son.2 years
hence 2 times the fathers age will be 5 times the sons age.what
are there present age.

3.sum of the age of mother and daughter is 63......
ans: 43 

4.3 prizes r being distributed to 10 persons.a person can take any
number of prizes.how many ways it can be done? 

5. a person deposites his 20000 rs at 5% and 4% and at the end he
gains 918 rs.find out the money he deposited on these

6.35 persons likes horror movies,25 persons like romantic movies,5
don't like any of them.how many do see both ? 

7.if there r 21 spokes in a wheel then how many spaces r there in

8.two flow charts are given(12 questions r based on this)second
flow chart is easier. 

9.some conditions are given u can form a family tree with the help
of this.
ans: 4 male members,three children etc.. 

10. u have to find out the shaded area(remeber 14 cm)
ans: 14*14-22/7(7)^2 

11. u have to find area of shaded region(remember 144 or 142cm)
ans: if it is 144
square circles 

12: two questions are given on relations.perhaps first one is
ans: (second one) niece 

13. paw:cat::hoof: ?
ans: horse
14. lion:cub::colt: ?
15:errat:books::flaw: ? 

a) manuscript b)speech c)metal d).... 

16. ling:lukewarm::

16.A person deposits Rs.4000(i am not sure of number) at the rate 
of 3.75% per annum.After six months,he withdrew Rs.2000(for example).He 
withdrew remaining at the end of one year.Howmuch did he earn? 

17.milk and water are mixed in the rario 5:4(for example) and they 
form 20 litres, out of which 4 litres are removed and 5 litres of 
milk is added.what is the ratio now? 

18.In a class 75% of students pass in maths and 65% in science 
and 15% fail in both.howmany students passes in both?

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